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Study Spaces II

How can we accommodate to the needs of a study space user?

While there are many places on campus to study, it is hard for students to find the right study spaces for them. To improve the awareness of campus study spaces, the team designed a website that filters study spaces based on user needs. The website would categorize spaces based on a variety of criteria, such as noise level, location, and the number of outlets. Additionally, students would have the option of submitting their own study space recommendations that would highlight some of the lesser-known spaces that people use on and off-campus.

Final Presentation from DFA Expo 

Spring 2020

Study Group

Study Spaces I


  • In Fall 2019, the Study Spaces Phase I team began sending out surveys to students, interviewing them, and analyzing responses.

    • 100 survey responses

    • 20 user interviews

  • From the survey responses, team members began identifying students' various complaints when it came to studying spaces at the University of Texas.

  • Using this data, the team met with Assoc. Dean of Students Doug Garrard and identified the Student Services Building (SSB) as an opportunity to create a study space.


Further Research


  • Insight #1: Vibe affects productivity

  • Insight #2: The allocation of resources are lacking

  • Insight #3: Students choose study spaces based on what they know

Existing Structure 


  • Currently, the UT Libraries website has a "study space finder".

  • However, the information on the website is inaccurate and outdated. 

    • The descriptions of study spaces do not include the number of outlets, the "vibe", or student feedback on the spaces.  

ideation part 1.PNG
Stickys (part2 ).PNG



  • The team had a mass ideation session, seen on the left, where they came up with the most ambitious to practical ideas all on one board. From there, they focused on narrowing down the scope.

  • In part II, they began categorizing those ideas by using the stickers to determine which were practical, interesting, and innovative.

  • They also figured out which of these ideas had similarities and grouped them by whether they were a guide, shared social code, a redesign of the space, or resources.

  • Intended Purpose: To improve students’ awareness of the study spaces or resources within the actual study space.

Key Takeaway: A lot of the ideas were some form of a guide, as indicated by the blue notes, as well as resources, which are in pink.


Prototype â€‹


  • Using Figma, the team prototyped a website database with UT campus study spaces, organized and prioritized by students’ needs, determined by the survey data.

  • User needs include what you’re doing, whether you’re doing quiet individual studying or collaborative group work, accessible outlets, food nearby, proximity, and resources.



  • The team conducted 10 user test and from the feedback they received, the team added a section for study spaces that were recommended by students.

Study Group
Next Steps 



  • Meet with Chris Carter, Director of Organizational Effectiveness for the UT Libraries and discuss findings and next steps towards implementation

  • Potentially collaborate with the UT Libraries system and provide guidance into how the existing website should be revamped 

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