Creates a meeting structure for each general meeting
Gather needed resources for each general meetings
Keeps designers' updates on projects and send reports on each group statuses
Creates a meeting structure for each general meeting
Gather needed resources for each general meetings
Keeps designers' updates on projects and send reports on each group statuses
Creates a meeting structure for each general meeting
Gather needed resources for each general meetings
Keeps designers' updates on projects and send reports on each group statuses
Helps reach out to potential mentors and external stakeholders
Plans leadership meetings and agenda
Keeps track of studio project progress and helps provide resources when needed
Writes end of semester report on DFA for mentors and Center for Integrative Design
Plans studio member recruitment
Helps reach out to potential mentors and external stakeholders
Plans leadership meetings and agenda
Keeps track of studio project progress and helps provide resources when needed
Writes end of semester report on DFA for mentors and Center for Integrative Design
Plans studio member recruitment

Statues Project
How can we revitalize the empty pedestals in South Mall ?
In 2015 and 2017, the confederate monuments in the South Mall were removed. Students and faculty were dissatisfied over the lack of communication about the original removal and lack of closure shown by the empty pedestals. In order to acknowledge the dark history of the former monuments, the team created the idea of commissioning local artists to generate art installations that represent untold UT stories and provide a more complete view of history. The installations will draw inspiration from core UT values such as learning, but will also highlight the racial disparities that persist in access to education.
Final Presentation from DFA Expo
Spring 2020
Site Context

The team created a stakeholder map that plotted user groups on a spectrum based on the amount of interest and power they had over the issue.
To understand the historical context, team members researched user groups and did a precedent analysis of removals of confederate era statues.
The team created a survey that was distributed to faculty and students about the initial removal of the statues and the potential uses of the space.
From the survey results, team members organized 20 min student and faculty interviews that expanded on the topics listed in the survey

The team created a formal Call to Artists that would outline the intent behind the art installations and the context of the site.
The art installations would take inspiration for the UT Core Values, but would also represent the racial disparities that are still present in modern-day society.

Social Context
In 2015 and 2017, Confederate Era statues were removed overnight from the South Mall after violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia.
There is a history of racial disparities on campus such as the lack of a diverse student body/ faculty.
While the statues once were important figures to UT's history, their symbolism runs counter to the university's core values and represents modern white supremacy and neo-Nazi movements.
Physical Context
South Mall is a high traffic area that is considered the center of campus.
The removal of the statues left empty pedestals.
This space is underutilized and there is student and faculty dissatisfaction over the lack of communication about the removal of the statues.

Overarching Themes
A wide variety of opinions
A disapproval of the lack of UT communication
The notion of history being preserved
The desire for an art installation
Proposal: Commission local artists to generate art installations representing untold UT stories that provide a more complete view of history
Next Steps
Code and index survey and interview results
Observe people interacting with the spaces
Identify gaps in survey responses
Big Ideas
Present concept to administration
Create a partnership with the Executive Alliance
Utilize focus groups to clarify big ideas
Begin soliciting local artists interest and ideas
Bring them into the process early