Creates a meeting structure for each general meeting
Gather needed resources for each general meetings
Keeps designers' updates on projects and send reports on each group statuses
Creates a meeting structure for each general meeting
Gather needed resources for each general meetings
Keeps designers' updates on projects and send reports on each group statuses
Creates a meeting structure for each general meeting
Gather needed resources for each general meetings
Keeps designers' updates on projects and send reports on each group statuses
Helps reach out to potential mentors and external stakeholders
Plans leadership meetings and agenda
Keeps track of studio project progress and helps provide resources when needed
Writes end of semester report on DFA for mentors and Center for Integrative Design
Plans studio member recruitment
Helps reach out to potential mentors and external stakeholders
Plans leadership meetings and agenda
Keeps track of studio project progress and helps provide resources when needed
Writes end of semester report on DFA for mentors and Center for Integrative Design
Plans studio member recruitment
Shoumik Dabir
Studio Lead
Helps reach out to potential mentors and external stakeholders
Plans leadership meetings and agenda
Keeps track of studio project progress and helps provide resources when needed
Writes end of semester report on DFA for mentors and Center for Integrative Design
Plans studio member recruitment
Get to know me...
Major: Plan II Honors and Finance
Year: Junior
What is your favorite thing about DFA?
The incredible community of designers! Even in our infancy, DFA Texas has brought together some of the most dedicated, coolest, and creative students at UT to work on design for social impact. We all recognize the immense force for good that design can be and seeing everyone work towards to this end has been amazing. I have learned so much from my fellow studio members and grown immensely as a designer and a problem-solver. Being a part of this community has meant the world to me and I know we'll continue to foster the same spirit in the future.
What is your favorite TED Talk and why?
"Grit: The power of passion and perseverance"
I think "grit" has been the defining factor for success in the lives of countless people I know, including myself. When I watched that TED talk back in high school, it confirmed to me an idea that I had long suspected to be true: you do not need innate talent to be successful. In fact, being tremendously gifted rarely ever translated to success. It was a combination of hard work, perseverance, and an undying commitment to long-term goals that ensured success--in other words, it was grit. It changed my outlook on life and allowed me to fearlessly tackle complicated problems, learn new skills, and start new things--like DFA Texas! If you haven't already watched this Ted talk, I highly recommend you do.
What is a fun fact about you?
Here's two: I've lived in four different countries so far and I'll be biking from Austin to Alaska in the summer of 2021 to raise money for cancer research